viernes, 9 de mayo de 2008

Hay un segundo ADC

Aparte de la segunda ronda del ADC actual existirá otra, bajo unas condiciones semejantes, a finales de este año, dada la acogida que por lo visto ha tenido el concurso... de acuerdo con uno de los desarrolladores:

"...There are two Challenges, which we call Challenge 1 and Challenge 2. Each

of these is allocated half of the $10,000,000 fund. Challenge 1 is the one
going on right now; Challenge 2 will begin later this year, after Challenge
1 has concluded.

Challenge 1, meanwhile, is broken into two parts and has two deadlines. The
first deadline is for anyone to submit an application (according to the
eligibility rules); this is the April 14th deadline, and we call it Round
1. Judges will then evaluate and choose the best submissions, and those
developers will receive $25,000. They'll also be given a period of time --
which we call Round 2 -- to further polish their applications, and submit
the new versions by a second deadline. The winners of the final, larger
prizes will be chosen out of the Round 2 submissions. Only developers who
are awarded a prize in Round 1 will be eligible to submit for Round 2.

To summarize: Challenge 1 has two phases, Round 1 and Round 2. Only
winners of Round 1 may participate in Round 2. Challenge 2 will begin later
this year, and will be a totally separate event. "

Así que preparaos para lo peor , XDDD

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Valeee, justo escribo en el post siguiente (el de "Se acabo") y ahora leo éste xD Pues nada, si sigues con Android ya tienes excusa para presentarte al 'Challenge 2', que hasta fin de año todavía queda muuuucho. Así que que le den al 'Challenge 1', hayas ganado o no <:o)